I may be just three lines But I'll be concise And Sweet As can be
Ode to Haiku
Aw you lucky lotus If I Could be just three lines I'd think I'd be just fine But I Have to Cascade Like A Romantic Waterfall And accentuate Until I Feel Some Sweet Relief And A Bouquet of Sighs
Free verse to Ode And Haiku
Ah, Sweet buddies, Ya inspire me, I Would marry you both, But I'm free on my own And I don't really have to Rhyme, I Could just go on and on
Lyric verse to Free verse
My Rhyme is Sweet Sweet Chimes, It's Melodies and My Loves Rain And some Bathe in it With their Champagne
Couplet to Sonnet
I may be just two loving And rhyming lines But You aren't the Quite the same Without me
Sonnet to Couplet
With or Without You, My Love Shall Love On, In some Lovers Sweet Loving, In some Singers And Painters Candlelight In Some Romantic Moonlight