A mother weeps - she has to send her children to the mines, for shining blue, the poisonous cobalt
Men, women, children, the Congolese people, dying young for scraps of money
The ground beneath their bare feet roars with richness and they never get to see it
The DRC is soaked in its people's blood, being torn apart for its resources
Millions of lives lost for the mineral blue, and more will be lost too
This blue fuels our batteries, our screens drip with the blood of the people, that never saw the fruit of their labour
For green energy we need more blue, more lives lost, there is a human cost, people
But our consciousness is clear, we are saving nature, no tears shed for the people whose blood is spilled for it
The eyes blue as cobalt, we don't seem to see the pain, or we do, and then we turn away
The Congo is bleeding, it weeps for its people, but nobody weeps for the Congo
The DRC is bleeding so we can have our electronics. I implore you - don't buy electronics you don't need. There is this book I found that I am going to start reading soon, it's called Cobalt Red on the topic if you wanna know more. You can also look up many great articles and video lessons. As for helping nature there is a browser called Ecosia that plants trees with the money from your searches, it's completely free