Three blinking stars, under a cold black sea,
Fireworks burn on a very old tree,
A seed you threw towards the wind-
Bloomed flowers of fire, But I've lost the flint
2 days have passed, and a quarter of a life.
I'll cut straight through, with my paper knife
Towards the years that I've left behind.
I'll touch the fog, and maybe I'll find,
The exact place where I left you alone,
In that burnt diary, with my broken phone.
How cold did you feel, when you were buried in snow
When I walked away, I'd never thought I'd go,
Just to come back here once again,
In this lonely station, in that empty train.
I have burnt the map, it doesn't end or start
Because I feel the most safe when I'm torn apart.
We are lost in our empty childhood homes
lost in comfort where only white darkness roams.
Nothing remains here, for both you and me.
But we can't ever leave, I've lost the key.
Do you remember my name, before I went away?
Neither do I, so we both have nothing to say.
So just hold my hands, as you look straight down-
To see fire and snow and our lost hometown.
It's still there now, even when we are gone.
Just like the smile on your face, that I once had drawn,
It wants to go away, but it's stuck with you,
Like an old memory, that keeps feeling new.
It has lost all the meanings that once made it dear.
But I don't remember myself, so I have no fear.
And I know you forgot yourself too, long before me
And I'll lose you too, in the dark cold sea.
But, for a broken second, stay next to my side.
With a silent kiss of carbon monoxide.