Huddled by a fireplace, no shirt and a short just a mere 5 year old, Begging the flames to give me the warmth I crave.
I never liked summer.
Maybe it was the silence, The empty walls, The way life seemed to move on without me.
I never liked summer.
Winter had always been kinder, Bringing people closer, Wrapping me in a cold I understood, and loved.
But then you said, "Summer is my favorite season." And winter lost its warmth.
The snow felt sharper, The fire distant. And summerβ Summer became the heat of your voice, The glow of your presence, The warmth I never knew I needed.
what I once clung to as a dreamland, fades away in the world of you.
With nothing but your words, You rewrote my thoughts and bent my beliefs.
I felt every stubborn inch of myself crumble accept it's fate, that even your lies become my truth,