Nothing works, I took all they gave. Therapy, Diagnoses, Drugs.
And they took all I had. Blades, Technology, Privacy, My sense of self.
All to get "better." "Better."
It seems that nothing works. I'm just the same as before. Or - I can't remember before, I don't think I was there for that, I was off where my own thoughts couldn't hurt me (Maybe it got so bad because I wasn't there. I let go of my body and let It take the steering wheel and steer me towards my death.)
All I know is that right now, I feel like nothing. nothing. nothing.
You were supposed to fix it. What happened? Why does nothing work?
All that I'm doing is losing its significance, and as I continuously fail at basic human interaction and my motivation to do anything that makes me noteable, I fear that I am too losing significance. Just slowly slipping into the numbing, pulsing pain.