A heart that's whole brings joy; But one that is hollow can only bring sorrow.
Like a raging fire, my love burned, It quickly outgrew its fireplace When a single spark jumped out. From a warm embrace, into a wildfire it turned.
At long last came the soothing rain, But save the lands it did not do. Gentle shower, then a downpour, The fire's wrath was now replaced by the water's reign.
The Sun's smile dries up anything, Matters not if it's tears or rain, The lands are finally saved! But... What about the fireplace? Did it lose everything?
A lone, tiny ember survived, Hopped to safety just in time, Weathered the storm in its shelter. Into the fireplace it bounced, the fire was revived!
My heart is filled with joy, I share this joy with you. Love you not to survive, But Love you because I choose to.