I grip my hair and hyperventilate "YOU STOLE HER! YOU TOOK HER FROM ME" The sedative enters my veins and I am limp I am numb "g-give her back" I slur she is gone
"we have suspected for a long time Holly..."
who is Holly? oh yeah... me.
my mother is screaming. my mother is yelling my mother is being taken out
why are they all panicked? I'm fine. where is Clare... why did they take her?
"acute... affective. .... delusions... halluc-"
the door slams shut and I hear the metallic click.
three months later I am released.
"a danger to herself and others."
acute ******-affective disorder
I have been hallucinating since I was 11. Clare was my best friend. she wasn't ever real. to anyone but me.