A sermon,
of a sort, one
of a kind classified
prosopopoeia literally
a form or figure of speech,
answering a proposed query,
who what when where or why.
Centering our attention on why,
I shall endeavor, as I have heard
sermocinators originally served
those lacking book learning
with oral interpretation
on duty and debt, et cetera.
So, to use the time alloted
to retie the tie binding duty
and honor to the story told
in generally Christmas and Easter,
congregations of true traditionalists.
Our duty,
after tariffs on attention paid
football and all ball based
forms fertilized and fed
with yeastyeatsweets
at local circuses,
- stuck in costume
- take the collar off
- symbolically we do
- all we have
- to do
- nada mas, the traditions
- the cultural square laws
- stacking steep or straight
cotton candy pink
and now, local news,
wherever you may think
we use magic wherewith we
- impose Jello time, allowing
- our posed media shared mind
- state works with thinking letting
- letters form words from thoughts,
enscribe truths heard in wordform
seen in letters long since become
to any able ever
to think,
pen and ink,
at the rate of cursive text to
press to
whom, objective subject re
submission, to a public mind re
whom do we turn, verily we kind
we category of mankind, unsorted
remnemonic palaces of liturgical awe
into heform sheform weform, mixed us,
untried spirits, most of us never thunk once
we the receivers warming the pews, expecting
or saying we do. Amen.
Sermon sayers saying same preplanned response.
Riddle me a riddle, Zeke,
whose holy stories hide
behind discipline, price paid, most honed
duty engrained since first communion, accepted
as common sense since first witnessed
on TV,
by the now grandfathering endurers
survivors of the mind wars, religious wars,
and mindshare wars after all attention was
valued on scales we stagger to think
we tip over backwards looking up to think
how can I look through the JWST.
How can any not attempt
to grasp the expanse
crossed since Alamogordo,
epimethean destiny makes religamentation work.
Did we ever wonder if saying amen means anything?
Indeed, mental enmonic -non sense there's no such
Mnemonic, e-lessly de
memory neuronal response tool re
taught in rhetoric courses all bishops take,
of course, all who feel such duty calling, take
the same courses through human events as we
listen, as the winds list,
as we lean into the rhetorical
oracle of certainty central
inside job creative theory,
no outside sapience needed
to shape us,
as a we
the ruling point, mean middle
to existing
on Earth, as words alone,
after all's been said.
Dendritic silk
Told known done
by confessing having will
to believe,
-- thickened time is pudding's proof
reality and time and all those other clusters
of weform organized societies, where children learned,
by royal decree, all children need be Starlinked to vote,
say what? Say what you think
in plain text translatable
cognatively allowing globalized Macaroni poetic license,
you know what I mean,
but in other words,
we agree, base
mind we form,
reading for the fun of it,
to get the feel of words as common as get
gotten and forgotten tenthousand times today,
there is a river, many messengers attest, a flow,
the mind form imaginable in holy tellings of knowledge
science true call using knowledge with science,
consci used as psi or psy or gno or know is used,
to think, just
Ai, you know, I would, as wills being imaginably
done, you know, I would, if I were you, enjoy
the time it takes
to read with all new words, to think your self
just ified, made up in a mind, inside
at least infested imaginably
with many verbs, set
to respond
to sponsors calling all who see
to see the mark
of me,
my weform, my teamform, my loyalty defining we form,
from which,
howling poets ever were out cast,
alas, but the Greeks had a word
for everything, the logos set of all Logos Sets,
tinker toys
erector sets
electric trains, and guns
these were toys of rich little boys
in America, as seen on TV in Tijuana
Waves, gentle, thinking price to know, ra'
as a thought, high e to compute a worth, towb
tapestries, tries, thinking
in cursive tip preserving,
delicate touch tip to lip,
Sermonic deontological slip
up yours, the local team roars
all laughing like we were involved
no delay, west wall sunny day Febru=
februarius mensis "month of purification,"
so, as sermons granted whole days to happen
as such must agree who followed today, as hapt
to seem strange, by design
a quest toward the very answer we expect.
--- mindhat pause
Literally letting words mean all they may
in actual Wikipedian translations thinkable
across the spectrum, we form to make our
point, why are we involving you, or me, for
that which matters does not matter much for me.
Kinda wanna think it madjathank at a point thunk.
Power On Self Test
Invest the rest of one day in a story,
to discern the point to this course through
known, by word of mouth, mostly, through
time barely rememorable, mostly among
Latch key syndrome urban and rural
recollectable signs we shoulda seen,
but life, particularly self fulfilling bets
put in the time to see the first Jubilee,
and for many, learning once, in truth,
trade in a band of brothers mythic honor form,
a we of honed most blades in service of science,
slicing ever more gently the material reality, as we
scratch the beards on old men faces
we wear to bed at night, and find on other
peacemakers, earth as it must be where peace
abides, in truth, not entertained unawares, peace
made thinkably possible if pride were devalued.
Perfectly said, one thought, I heard go ding.
We are on the same page here, there is one thing
past understanding,
kindness rules evolution, we hate to differ,
we love to conjoin realities we each have endured
this is us, once more, forming a big parade,
or a strand of the stuff we see weaving galaxies
at scales only minds unbound by letters relax
bowels of courage gut felt punched, too often,
gnoshit, Forrest Gump hit a nerve.
Whose is the audience, since all the world's
our stage, all active words advance
on step up, two steps back, onstep up, and so onβ¦
element after loving simple long enough, you see