I dreamt of a haven,
A house on the beach,
White picket fence,
A mirage of peace.
Sunsets ablaze,
Painting the sky with fire,
Waves whispering secrets,
A gentle breeze, a sweet desire.
Children's laughter,
Echoes on the sand,
Chasing retreating waves,
A childhood, forever planned.
I saw us there,
Two souls entwined,
Rockers swaying,
A love sublime.
Her hand in mine,
A comforting embrace,
A gentle sigh,
A love's serene space.
But then she awoke,
From this idyllic scene,
The house, a mere shell,
A fleeting, transient dream.
For home, she declared,
Is not a place, a shore,
But a feeling, a heart,
Where love forevermore.