Laden with thought and beetled of brow Who midst you recognize me now? Who midst you, venture forth to this place Where the wealth and the egos broadcast disgrace.
Wherefore the justice, wherefore restraint Check out the frontage, graffitied with paint. Who stole the payroll, who cut the power? Who saw the ******* that shat in the shower?
See the disorder flooding the town Whilst the Cops and Councilors shrug and frown. Traffic is chaos, Sirens galore Screaming downtown, foot flat to the floor,
Trains running late all the planes on the ground With the trash piling up in heaps all around. Pipes full of mullock and taps that don't run And out of the pub runs a fool with a gun?
The Boss sits on high with his thumb up his *** Complaining the ****** of this town have no class? Now whosoever claims they're in charge Of this dog running bedlam amok in discharge....
Obscene-ness here has stolen the cash Hysterically laughin' whilst smokin' hash. It's gone to the dogs, my dear old town No reason in Hell...why I'll stick around.