I wouldn't know how you feel as I type But you were always mine Atleast in hindsight it felt so Sublime, yet I was inclined To love the one who saw my hype
When everyone saw my jokes crude You saw a comedian when everyone saw a shallow puddle, rude You saw the Caribbean
So today, I see you, even if not in reality I see your beauty from memory and history The kind acts of your mother, and the mysteries Your tears of mystery, your thoughts of destiny
I hope one day he sees your Glory, your greenish eyes And I hope that every demon comes to despise Your beautiful lineage, your kindest acts From your blunders, to your in facts May the world keep you whole and intact
May your shape that changes from child birth to Love Meld into the beautiful soul you host May you never come to boast of the many blessings From the God we celebrate up above And may you be blessed the most
My words don't do enough to describe your totality Your obscurities and your beauty May he see what I see in you, if I never get the chance To fall for you not in hindsight, but at first glance You deserve the world, not a puddle, you deserve to dance
I know you don't like the name Mirinda, you prefer the beautiful other But today I wanted to show the beauty as a whole instead That you needn't see it as a rather anymore That you soar, and it brings sweet dreams when you go to bed That nothing stops you from living and loving to your core
I hope you make a great mother I hope you make a great wife I hope you see love in the eye of one another And that you don't see dirt in spite Of how the storyteller replays events of asunder
Forgive me if this isn't enough But please learn to love beyond the scope of existence And always be persistent Because you are who you are Mirinda You are as beautiful as every name Mikayla You are as loving as your family says you are You are beyond these words, and beyond these feeble stars You are you through and through
A valentine poem I wrote to a special person, it was difficult writing this after a few months of no contact but it helped to make it (to me) mean something. Thank you for reading.