Morticia and Gomez gazed From their card on the altar— Devotion eternal, A love fierce enough To blaze through darkness, Tender enough To cradle every wound. A family photo stood nearby, Encircled by a constellation Of crystals: Amethyst murmuring peace, Rose quartz pulsing with love, Black tourmaline bracing For unseen battles. Pink and white flames danced, Their whispers rising like prayers: Promises to draw us closer, To fill our hearts With everything we dare dream.
The poem “The Lovers’ Altar” tells the story of a couple, Morticia and Gomez, who create a special altar to show their deep love for each other. This altar is filled with beautiful crystals like amethyst, rose quartz, and black tourmaline, which represent their desire for love, healing, and protection. The image of pink and white flames is used to symbolize their heartfelt prayers and dreams for togetherness and happiness. This contemporary altar highlights themes of love and connection and serves a similar purpose to traditional altars, which often represent devotion, sacrifice, and personal growth through spiritual practices.