Setting at the desk, looking out my window,
It’s a cold, winter day, the sun’s rays are being blocked,
By a solid wall of white clouds, floating over my head today.
Some of the snow is melting, into water, the pure white beauty,
Now memories, in Maxwell’s Creek, floating away.
As I stare across, Schaubert’s Bridge, I can see a bare area,
On the southern edge of, Schooley’s Woods, where,
Many birds, are searching for worms, in the ground today,
The squirrels, scampering to the nuts, they buried,
How do they remember where they, planted them,
In those late, fall days?
Everything, is so peaceful, when joined to together,
Creates a picturesque site to see,
So much beauty, remember, God created everything,
Including, all of the living creatures, to come to life, and be.
The original Tom Maxwell © 1/18/2025 A. D.