Most things in life happen to be a contradiction odd as it sounds, especially when it comes to the things we love. They have a way of crunching us down and breaking us open. There aren’t many things that get us, but of the few that do, I’m glad that you’re one of them.
The way the salt blends perfectly with your skin, even when you’re cold. You’re crisp, sometimes moist. Every moment can't be as perfect as the last, but I think that’s what makes us, us the things that happen in between the things we like, and the way we get along with the things we never thought we would.
Like drizzling you in bits of chocolate, even though it’s dark it brings out the pieces of you that you try to hide beneath the warm, fried parts of you that everyone sees. Odd as it sounds, your salt with my sweet you get me just like I get you, tangled in a convulsion of warmth.
There’s something about the way that you crunch that makes me reach my hand out for more