A captive is what I think I shall be, for Halloween this year—in 2023. Burdened by the weight of other’s fear. Trapped. Sitting silenced in a cage full of expectations. And rage.
Confined, bound. No one around.
Who if not I, can release this relentless pressure? Hopelessly, I await for the right partner— To take my hand, help me stand. And get my **** together.
To walk with me, out of captivity. The place that haunts me. How long must my sentence be?
Oh, how I yearn to be set free. Take this wretched costume off. Just. Be. Me.
Underneath it all, I am a strong and capable woman. I can walk out of this on my own! Saunter about, like royalty Onward to the throne.
Amen, I am captive no more. For I chose the latter path, After all, it suits me most admirably.
It is at my core, a crown can be found. Seek and you shall see, an exquisite Queen, standing her ground. Not just on Halloween, but in actual reality.