I was going to the high computer literacy class A class that I despise A class that I dread I go and sit but ..... It was the last time I sit for all of eternity As I sit out taking a breath I don't feel my heart beat I was sitting lifeless in my chair Some of the students noticed that I was not doing Anything The teacher was calling 911 as he noticed that I was not breathing as I just sit there limp It feels like I was locked in my dead body, my soul that was! I cannot enter the spirit world and as I try to enter. The realm I am just at the borderlands I wish I could move but I could not Soon they realized what I already know That I was dead and in limbo! As they realized this they call The medical examiner instead Because I ain't breathing Then I was taking to the morgue As the drive I scream "It's the ******* classes that caused my death The ******* stress and boredom The fact that I was deciding to break free!" But what the does the driver say nothing as I try to be heard! I am processed and borough in for autopsy The medical examiner said this .... "Who do we have here today!" She looks at my papers and said my full name Elena Melanson Before she could get the scalpel I tell physically make sounds Telling her he exact cause of death "It was that ******* computer lit class That killed me, it borded and Stressed me to death!" She finds this remarkable that I would be able to talk with My own voice Then for the last time my soul hits the boarder lands And goes right to the spirit world And that was when my body went limp for the last time Had I found peace? I am from dearh's cold grip and I find that I am In a perpetual summer with Wild followers all over the place It seems peaceful and I go to the light I am at peace!"