If there was anything in the water, it's all been drunk by now
repeat that, mantra red neck style drivin' down a road with oak trees and double yellow lines, windows all rolled down, drivin twenty-fiveβ¦
Mysteriously still alive. Singing in the spirit with all my ghostly friends
If there was anything in the water, it's all been drunk by now
If there was anything in the water, its all been drunk by now
with spirits all in harmony, we have conspiracy enough, just us, we two me and thee or ye and me we all you all we uns and you uns
watchathank watchathank watchathank can the old white guy keep time, or does he owe all to life?
For what?
**, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
It's a mystery t'me. Could be we chose life for free.
If there was anything in the water, it's all been drunk by now
A rework for American Thanksgiving... from 11-1-18