“But nobody really cares about how a poem has done! The only thing worth talking about is what is the next poem”
<> how brief are these pleasures that are oft tendered to our senses, sunrise, sunset, eclipses all ****** too quick,
yes, a slow read, a leisurely walk amid the bombast of colors falling extraordinaire even the denuded trees are blinked away too easy, even though they longer linger, our body clocks knowingly admits that even the still of snow covered lands or the blanketing grating grays of a Midwest Great Lakes winter sky goes on and on too **** long, they too to can be, are, imagined away without too much difficulty
so too, the next poem* can be hounding incessantly, crying out for your undivided-under-god, for attention to be paid and paid again
but more likely be a desert away of unwatered vast eternal spaces, and inspiration is only a mirage that searingly teasing you for relief from can’t get go satisfaction for that next poem is perpetually around the next corner, moving faster than your heart’s beating, the words that need believing, need bleeding for they come at great cost, never simple, never flawless, just raw unpolished that is always the