Forsaken anew; / failure’s company Saturnine, my soul; / assurance broken Order to chaos; / fractured symmetry Alone with failure / Hope was yet token
Blood in the mirror / oozing lethargy The instrument held / in the victim’s hand Lambasted pride’s pith; / pain the elegy Drip down, down to dirt; /soul’s vice reprimand
The high price paid for / blind cowardice proud To slough shamed sin sets /my soul to quail Failure to stop pride; /sanguine stained I stand My blood measures short, /to sin-siege, I fail
But God is faithful, / redeemer belov’d His blood ransomed me; /Praise to Him who loves
I wrote this poem almost three weeks ago after I failed to come clean about a mistake I have made repeatedly. It was the first time I had hurt myself as a punishment to me, instead of a vindictive act toward others. I hope it helps someone make better choices than me.