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Sep 4
A rose is chosen,
In a vast flower field,
It had been waiting patiently,
For a love that was real.
A human picked up the rose,
In that field full of many,
And so the two went,
To live their lives happily.
The rose offered its sweet scent,
And the human its company,
They traveled far and wide,
From the country to the sea.
The rose had small thorns growing,
But it wouldn’t be an issue,
The human never complained,
Their love still pursued.
Yet the thorns kept growing,
And the ****** got larger,
Then the rose saw the blood,
Flow from the human like water.
You must set me down,
Our journey is over,
Nonsense, replied the human,
I can still last longer.
You are hiding the pain,
But your eyes do not lie,
I can see your suffering,
I know you want to cry.
We had a great journey,
We both learned new things,
But now the sweet day is over,
The bird no longer sings.
It’s time to return me to the garden,
And there I’ll wait again,
For someone to hold,
One of which I can’t hurt their hands.
No, cried the human,
I won’t let you go,
I love you and you love me,
I won’t give in to my sorrow.
Their grip around the rose tightened,
Their stem started to snap,
Don’t you get it human,
I can no longer love you back!
The human loosened their grip,
As a tear fell down their face,
Then they began walking back to the garden,
But not with much haste.
They set down the rose,
Right where it belonged,
There will be another flower,
Loving each other wasn’t wrong.
I know there are others,
But you’re the one I chose,
I didn’t want daisies or lilies,
I wanted the rose.
I had to set you down,
You hurt I and I hurt you,
But the time we spent together,
Those are memories I mustn’t lose.
So goodbye my dear rose,
I’ll never forget you,
I won’t return to the garden,
For I may not find love that was true.
Take care of yourself human,
Don’t continue to cry,
Just keep your head up,
Look towards the warm blue skies.
Your journey is not over,
Your love is not lost,
You can go stronger than ever,
Don’t let your heart begin to frost.
This isn’t a “farewell”,
A “goodbye” or “adieu”,
This is a bittersweet wave,
Just a simple “see you”.
Are you a flower or fellow?
Written by
Kenedie  16/F
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