I bid you greetings from the new land Though I am saddened by your absence It is a necessary grief
Think not on the sweaty tasks unsuitable For a beauty such as you A house you deserve A house I shall build
A grand atrium will await your arrival Flowers and Garland will be strewn To parade your coming
The triumphant wife Whose radiant reflection shines as a goddess Mine impluvium turned caldarium
Enter further and I'll have built for you A grand hallway Paved with mosaic representations of great Jove And pastoral murals of our farm and ****** Ceres
Finally, I'll show you to your bed chamber Finely furnished for the royalty of my love Crowned in soaring arches crossed in such a way That creates perfect cubes painted with dancing Cupid Whose bow I've aimed to forever seal your heart
To mine own
When I draw the arrow Feathers knocked to sunburned cheeks And let loose my desire to hold you close And erase the distance of space between Our farm And your home
All I've left to do is build and till and sow May Sol, Luna, and yourself Watch over me from afar With love and well wishes
I will write you soon with more tales from the field Until then, the work continues...