They fell; faster than spring leaves, off the family tree. Dear uncle. Dear mom. Why me? Why you? We smiled --moments ago-- legitimate and calm and free Glittering health during the plague, how not true.
Smiles of hopelessness, tears of hope, lying living, half in life, tombstone carved in your eyes You brought hope, you liar, how then do we cope? In truth, did you know? Or faked your shine for true smiles.
Yes you're gone, now we need healing Our hearts stabbed by your last smile and hasty departure. It all changed but it somehow remained the same Into the dust lies thine stature, lies thine of stature.
I'll hang on to the echoes of your voice, Your face from the mind's flashing window's glimpse, Your touch from showering echoes of noise From then when I became undone, like opened gifts.