Once not so very long ago When life was in a simpler time Parents taught their children well And there was reason in the rhyme
Morals and manners and common courtesy To treat other with kindness and respect But now generations later its something That’s succumb to great neglect
Parents stopped parenting and tried To be their children’s best friend The word no started to be challenged Parents caved so friendships wouldn’t end
Now the world is crying out loud This incredible sad sad song No one wants to acknowledge that We were incredibly so so wrong
Now there’s no truth because the truth Is lost in the vast universe of lies The children have their participation Trophies and we feel so proud and wise
But boys are wearing dresses and girls Are covering their beauty with tattoos And they’re wearing combat boots As we’re all being fed one set of views
There’s chaos and confusion we’re lost In the mist of grays with no wrong or right The foundation has crumbled and blurred Has become the clearness of Black & White