city boy, progeny of the multi-cultures any new yorker breathes, the grit fills in the mini pores, but even better, the lines and the deep furrowed creases of squinting worries, inherent and inherited from years of peering into the future whose outcomes always fell outside the range of ordinary misperceptions and into the realms of extraordinarily ordinary…
even the grit and the grip of grief, cause and consequence of my endless errored foreseeing, equally crinkly when smiling and/or grimacing, for I read what I have written smilingly, and grimace with the unknown knowledge yet within, there is more to come, but from who knows where or when, and the grit hardened exterior groans with the thrill of pulling and purging yet more words from the Sea of Churn, whose burning sensations brings cherried sundae of mixed anxious trepidations and a groan of relief when the work of words is done and done & delivered,