If only I could summon the will to banish my daemons; Exorcise the rot that for too long has brought me low; Waged a war unseen and unheard by the outside; Inside, a mutinous cacophony of a ****** battlefield; Where the parts of me unfouled by corruption, weep; Tears of crimson blood run down as flowing rivers rage; Anger, that the current refuses to change its course; Sadness, that I was the one who had diverted destiny; Swept away by tides no mortal man can hope to shake; Trapped, like mighty Atlas, beneath the weight of fate; An unfortunate purgatory of endless indecision; A fear to see myself beyond the scars I have caused; Calloused, my pessimism knows no boundaries; There can be no going back to brighter days; When days are comparable only to the blackest night; Sunrises carry the gravitas of the setting sun, reversed; Life, loses the beauty that once inspired the muse; Leaving me feeling empty, lost on 'oft forgotten seas; Praying for Charybdis to churn and drown my daemons; Finally setting me free from this self imposed slavery; Shattering the chains holding my past to my present