A Prayer Breathe in Please, God, let this night never end. Breathe out I swear I’ll love him forever. Breathe in Bargaining is a step in grief processing, right? Breathe out His fingers tips are magic wands. Breathe in Maybe your freckles are a map. Breathe out I want to bite his nose. Breathe in No, dont think about tomorrow. Breathe out I can taste the tears on my lips. Breathe in Can he hear how loud my heart is pounding? Breathe out On his back I silently, repeatedly write “I love you.” Breathe in Theres too much space between us. Breathe out God please, dont let this end. Breathe in Is he trying to fall asleep? Breathe out I dont want to sleep. Breathe in Goosebumps and sweat, contradictions. Breathe out Nothing exists outside this bed. Breathe in He smells like heaven and cinnamon. Breathe out If tonight must end please god dont let me wake. Breathe in The panic starts to set in. Breathe out I can see his heart beat pulsing on his neck. Breathe in His heart is beating as fast as mine. Breathe out My hand cups his beautiful face. Breathe in Yet I cant look, not yet, he’ll see the fear. Breathe out Dont fear. Breathe in Be brave. Breathe out Matching his urgency in our finger tips. Breathe in Finally look into those golden eyes. Breathe out Time stops, breath catches, pure bliss is mine for the moment.