Popular invitations Sent from heralds of punch and perfume Simple news for a lonely intimation When asking is a favored voice to loom
Generosity, and the stir of deed Done with sorrow, as a future has been See the wish of gaiety, of me... The miracle of need, is but a strength to sing
Sincerity asked, what has a luck seen for the better of others? And with the delicate truth to share, can we see the baring lot? So exposed, so triumphant for a quiet hope, come of age to bother The very routes of dismay, a looking how, that has joy for now?
And the light has fed the cause, of reasons conscience? Risk and tenacity running so fast, for a truth to dwell... Upon the seclusion we sake an hour, of something greater than prescience And the fate of it, a happier draw of attention, to a reach still...
As we thought, a marvel of sincerity and furies with a moment to tell The world is a sour passion, come of distance as a reward for life In the details and the wayward way we make spirit to fulfil When notion is a curious live, for something greater than hatred's sight?
Like a vision of all smiles and human styles, a conversation lead to shyness's decision, let them eat anticipations cake...