Were you a flower, You would ever be never picked, or plucked; neither clipped nor pruned; Rather, left unfettered, Unsung, in the meadow.
Such is the love of a poet for the words of a soul, And the soul never met but through pages and text;
Grow Perennial, Hopeful Ambrosial intoxicant Evolve and sublimate, Evaporate And precipitate beauty and truth Before grave turns thy youth Beset by passing days; When the inevitable click of the last tick of the clock puts a stop . to the flow of a beatific mind.
Let time spend its days flitting and frittering away. Let me remain standing here, Ad infinitum, held hostage to a moment of refrain
Oh Joy! Oh sweetest thing, Blossom and sing!
The hymn sung of dawn by sparrow and skylark to meadow and marsh…
Response poetry to SleepEasy’s wonderfully penned Poem Platonic Love