Let's play pretend You imagine I’m not me and I’ll become a golden boy wielding strength through body, not mind Fight me and I’ll break apart I'll break anything to prove you don’t see me now make something tough and it will shatter You thought me fragile but a shard of glass is deadly dad, let’s fight but leave words were they are if they’re never spoken I won’t choke you with them Instead let us be men Silent dad, isn't it lonely to fight only with flesh We lash out to connect but a strike is fleeting I used to wield my voice like a whip and it struck an echo in a head for days Hard to be lonely when your head rattles dad, a singular body feels weak when I had six figures there are only so many ways to break a body with your own but a mind Shatters and reforms And that is why women are stronger. I’ve given up strength to be weak.