Have we all become mere automata guided by the ring of pings and notifs? The spray of lather from a sea of data carrying with it wrung celebrity whiffs have stung us with a certain aphasia...
The written thought was a lifetime ago long abandoned by the times and all-- where once there was soundness to follow nonsense amassed like a rising cymbal whose crash sent reason to the gallows.
The news of the day presents a delectable entree of a hodgepodge of this, that, and nothing much. Wherefore we find our tongues compelled to say something about the aftertaste or to prejudge as if we were connoisseurs--it must've hid faraway.
Are we perhaps amusing ourselves to death? I am by no means a Luddite to such a degree, but I believe we have bombarded and blessed ourselves a little too much to see... only time will tell us reason's final breath.
Inspiration from "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman