the cave-in started with honesty, a promise an admiration of agency, of power and pride.
it was felt for miles yet went unnoticed the surrounding area laughing "I don't understand," a birthday at the next table, a crying child.
wine bled through the cracks in that cave as the flow of native water slowed to a trickle and receded to make way for desperation at least so it seemed.
weeds and smiles withered and revealed selfishness, loathing, pain and fear.
what appeared there in the collapsing darkness of the once rigid-- and now compromised-- shelter of those warm catacombs was, in fact,
layers upon layers of sedimentary disgust that rendered those systems inhospitable uninhabitable anger and wine laughter
"I'm not coming back."
from the prompt "the moment you realized you were an adult". a deeply personal and emotional piece