Powers of side-ways laughs... Kick of light into a searched for kiss Make and meant, are we a hopeful hath? Sure, the toil of adding ourselves, to a heart to miss?
Suddenness And the game of can't and won't Wished for a friend in hollow limelight, a ridiculing guest? The taken hiss, for a wishful smile; arduous but don't...
How, or wisdom? Or, the tale of significance With a moment to share even kind, to these we dumb? But a shadow of history is a muse to the light, we sense...
Any and all, to a thing of since, we are to be... In the hands of deference, where one more step is a being Hour, to which selfish is a range of voice, in all anarchy We save a friends time with sour regrets, in the name of simply seeing
Martyrs of deliberate quote and silence from a boat... Together they make a notion, to tell the truth... West with a capable soul, the tale has become a superior love... Argued by you and me, see the head for simplicity, that is youth...
When sight is a raging storm with nowhere to go, its up to yet and its bother, together to know what to do next...