Inhaling was suffocation exhaling meant living heart racing mind numbing it's not wanting to die if you dont know how to live
stupid girl looking for meaning in a place with no beginning hot cold in and out breaths and you're not sure where to go next because you were dead set on an ending and he was somewhere over there planning a life of solitude You scream and fight for a goal he's already opt out stupid girl you were carrying this battle like he was beside you but didn't you hear he says he's with you while making you a fool agrees with you says he'll be with you then steps on your boundaries like they weren't there for you
You can stay and keep fighting but you're a fool to keep going when you've lost this love that's not happening again this ending you were determined to reach that's not happening Look around we're all alone but we don't look it you weren't alone but you felt alone there isn't a comfort zone life doesn't make room for comfort