I've worn this mask for far too long Pretending always that nothing's wrong I always had to be the one to be strong always seeking Somewhere I Belong
The mask sinks it's Talons into my skin I don't know where I end and The Mask begins It seems now to be wearing thin I thought it protected me- but it is my sin
It's the lie that I show to the world The lie I've worn since I was a little girl I was trained to hide all my pain I was constrained to pretend I'm sane
I became the mirror to all who peered in I withdrew to the iron and porcelain cage Within Pretending always in this unending ruse Hiding every tear and every bruise
Pretending I wasn't abused Leaving my conscience more confused
I faked it so long I lost who I am Condemning myself - feeling ****** No one needs to see my strife So I've stayed hidden away all my life
Always in fear of what the world would do If they found out my truth - if they knew So I sublimated myself as I grew Speaking my truth to only a few
Most often when I finally shared My fear was realized - they abhorred me - or didn't care Now it seems I can no longer hide Because I can feel myself slowly dying inside
What will I do when my mask shatters What will you do - I guess that's what matters Will you also cast me away Or will you still choose to stay