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Mar 2023
Everyone is capable of being
a victim it doesn’t matter what
color, gender, size or lifestyle.

We are all human beings.

People who claim men are
not capable of being a victim
are abusive and they are guilty
not men.

Also, no means no,
silence means no,
walking away means no,
its stalking if you follow someone
after they said no or didn’t engage

Just because they spoke to you
doesn’t make them your partner
or friend.

If you want a partner don’t be a
creeping stalker.

If you don’t get the point you should
go away and stop making excuses
for your abuses. Take responsibility!

People need to be honest and
educated so we can fight the abuse
and win.

Free the victim and
give them a path to survival.

Don’t be silent about abuse.

Be loud and proud to speak the truth.

Everyone deserves the same respect.

“Love is acceptance and success
because it helps build societies
so be kind to each other and
humanity will thrive.” ❤

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Love is love ❤️ Hate is death and dangerous 💔
Amanda Shelton
Written by
Amanda Shelton  37/F/Bakersfield California
(37/F/Bakersfield California)   
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