There are many kinds of love Romantic love, the most common And also the most overrated Family love, probably the most beautiful And most unconditional as well Platonic love, or friend love Again, simple and unconditional Something that has become very popular these days Which leaves us with.....cousin love Yes, one of the most underrated forms of love Seeing as it is not frequently talked about Well, most families stick together So do best friends However, there are a few things Which you may not feel comfortable sharing with your family Usually, the best option is to share such things With your friends instead Or rather, your best friend But then, it is also possible That you may not have a best friend In such a case, your best bet would be your cousins Cousins are part of your extended family And they also know your immediate family well Remember, you don't always have to choose between two extremes Sometimes, you have to take a middle path That's exactly where your cousins come in Because they will listen to you fully Without getting too emotionally involved or overprotective And in addition, they may have suggestions That might not have occurred to your family or friends So, cousins are more important Than most people might think And it is high time That we start showing love to our cousins as well Along with family and friends, of course But yes, not all cousins are the same Just as it is better to have a select few close friends With whom you can share anything Rather than a big group of fair weather friends It equally makes sense To maintain close relationships with a select few cousins Who mean the world to you And always have time for you Yes, cousin love is extremely underrated But at the same time, very valuable And something to be cherished, forever