Midnight, And the pale moon over my head, My lonely nights and Memories haunting me like a wolf Ferocious and hungry.
Midnight, And a vast forest of yew trees Darkness and silence, And an owl watching like a ghost. Amidst the darkness I found a voice: ‘I’ll love you forever, if you let me’.
Midnight, And vigilantes with wide eyes. I never knew what to do With the unconnected clues, But you would always Ask the right questions.
Midnight, And a faithless heart like mine That saw monsters and terrors. My heart like a cold star in the distance. But you held me close And put me in the moss With a blanket of new, unrecognised, kindness
Midnight, And a reason to be alive: I have finally found a place to rest. Like a meteor you broke into my space And I was surprised to notice How lovely it is To rely on someone So completely.
It was midnight, When I realised: I am here, I can breathe, And I can finally love.