Open my poetry bible to random page, Whitman possibilities endless, his inspirations of human essences distilled, a parfum of sounds and smells, touched words, an airborne mist of spray penetrating deep, tickling cells’ walls.
In Whitman, where all my journeys end, the luster of all that presents to the half-dressed eye is restored to its original color, a reverse osmosis where the coatings of crusty salts that nightly accumulate, word-washed away.
The restorer~forgers freshen original hues, a creator’s helpers, workpeople tasked by whom matters not, for even those whose all senses impaired, inhale new born air that informs the body entire that the natural shadings have been renewed.
as if
a virginal placenta of pure best has cracked open, refilling the palette of the morning, colorists of new dab pretending it’s a first time re-gifting, an original vista, sanctifying all who welcome-willing, finding new combinations words to etch and fetch what is deliciously indescribable, what is given freely, but to whom?