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David Bojay
Jul 2022
for now (again)
too many lies have made me blind
i'm just trying to make myself feel and be better, but i wasn't a great partner.. always two sides to the story
she pointed out things i already knew about myself, i'm not perfect but i try to be patient with myself... if I could I would've rushed the process
i'm worth it, yes... i think... but sometimes it doesn't feel like i'm worth my next breath of air
i've always had an issue with that until it backfired, one bullet turns into 100
right at me, if they were real i wouldn't try to dodge
questioning the "logic" behind these emotions
imaginary weight? but it's dragging me down before the sun rises again
i don't have anything to believe in, i'm not the one for her... is what she's decided
nothing is right for me... after endless mental agony
facts don't make me feel better, but it's good to be honest
always better to be honest... things are **** at the moment
there's nothing to do but live through it again
i was... dumb to think otherwise
they say to step away at first sign, but you always want to try to fight it
for the sake of making things work, even if they don't
i've given up plenty of times, this time it feels like i shouldn't again
when i should, again
here it comes
i get it, i get it
yes i'm flawed... i know... i'm still... growing eww
sooner or later
"just let her go"
it's so simple... she's vanished
and it wasn't meant to be, but i thought she was the one to settle down with afterall
she's hung up on an image, multiples
if it makes me feel better, believe it
she just wasn't into me
just focus.. on living, not just exisiting
imagine loving someone that doesn't love you back
thinking about a certain future that's been taken away
my mind is lost right now.... i'll let it run for a bit until i can catch upppp
dreams unlived
i dreamt about our kids last night and I forgot to tell you
an ending with too many photos to feel alive to
Written by
David Bojay
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