To these echoes of warmth, the warm regards, warmest hugs and a hello of a long seen friend. Fires burns in my chest.
Till the face glows; in the light of a friendly smile. We'll all be the stars under the sun, deeming light of inspiration in their lives. The lives of those lost in the dark—guide them with your spark.
Soon my'll find that match, fuelling the already passionate flame of love. To rest your burning eyes of desire on loving your spouse by fireplace of your house.
We'll be dreaming of the stars set in our names, searing the old till ash—enkindled in this hope you'll find. The future is bright, at the end of the tunnel is that shinning light. You've got the will to survive. Keep up the good fight!
Blistering scars do come with time, in the degrees of many scolding hurts. You were created well to take the heat.
There's a fire in us all. A fire unlike no other, there is a fire in us all. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥