Adventure Days They say a cornered man will fight till the end For simply has nothing to lose Except his life when the cards are revealed The dice is rolled ***** to the wall kaput You know what I mean no more examples Need to be said but one final example That of Ukraine in February 2022 Since late 2021 the nation has been Threatened by Neo Soviet Russia Surrounded on 3 sides by hostile land The 4th side is water which they can own NATO flew in Javelin and Stinger missiles To **** tanks choppers and jets The Ukrainians have enough bullets Most made in Russia or the Soviet Union To **** their fellow brothers who turned On them in the worst case of cabin fever That Europe has seen since Yugoslavia And Marshall Tito's precious union died This will be far worse than that Could **** millions ruin Europe the world Trigger World War 3 like a Tom Clancy book Or a video game or heavy metal song or film But this little escapade by Putin is real He re-armed Russia and wants his empire back He's part way there but millions will refuse To be ruled from Moscow and be proxies again Those days are gone except in his rabid mind Soon his army must be used or go home It is tiring and costs millions to be ready The 200,000 Russian Red Army at readiness Waiting for the order to invade their kin Over the border brothers and sisters Many with dual nationality and identity But Ukraine is a sovereign nation And will fight back as they've done since 14 When Putin the Dog annexed Crimea And took East Ukraine which he still holds now He wants the rest and for them to be his Never ever join NATO and be European pals Plus allied to the Yankees his worst nightmare Ruining his dream the world their lives WHY???