whoa whoa whoa hold up love addiction in progress exit to the left wave goodbye to rational thought buckle in buttercup this ride has highs that feel like 20 hot rails like getting away from the police when they gave chase and you're riding hot as **** it takes you to bliss but watch out for the tail that fall from ten stories high that withdrawal I internally panic and do nothing to avoid the craving the need the unrelenting urge to reengage and get another hit to avoid that 4am empty as a shell feeling like the whole world caved in on itself and your ego is dying by eating itself alive I play this game and tell myself not this time but it is exactly when those two words form in my thoughts that my head feels like the mind of ten psychotics spouting word salad at full volune all at once cognitive dissonance is a ***** oh hell yes the pleasure is exquisite but the pain is the pain the death knell that sweet little reaper that comes to gather the pieces of your heart spilled on the inside of your Honda civic because you're practical afterall