all pointers is all wisdom all pointers is all wise,wise of wisdom all wise is all wise of wisdom all wise is all wise of pointers pointers point to wisdom pointers point to a all wise wisdom knowledge is a point of wisdom
knowledge is a point of pointers knowledge is a all wise wisdom knowledge is knowledge all pointers a surface is a surface of all pointers a surface is a surface of knowledge a surface is a all wise surface a all wise surface is a all wise wisdom
a wise surface is a wise point of surface wise is a wise tale of pointers a tale is a wise tale of pointers a tale is a wise tale of a tale a point is a wise tale a point is a wise tale of a point a wise tale is a wise tale
my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc... this poem is about a wise tale is a wise point of wisdom. the meaning of the word pointers is for instance trying to make a point or the advice of a person trying to give their pointers. i donβt add capitalizationβs on my writing.