why does the world have to look so beautiful sometimes... sunlight filters through trees kids fling water up from the creek to catch light in air in my ear smooth spanish groove and it all makes me want to cry because i can't appreciate a moment everything beautiful is so f l e e t i n g everything hard and hateful lingers and sticks you can't just ******* have something good. you can't.
during a melt d o w n
in college i saw a counselor that told me to face my fear of the worst possible events happening use my voice to project the probabilities out loud would i lay down and die? doubtful. say what you would do. it doesn't seem so bad when it's specific... it's a cloud of random doom that seems unthinkable. you realize it's all do-able a little at a time you will survive
but now that is where i live in the subterranean gloom with well thought through foreknowledge of the worst possible events and my likely miserable reactions
so i watch my life c oll Aps e and i want to laugh hysterically
*******. *******. *******. and *******. what the **** am i supposed to do?
reinvention is jolly, they say Ha!
Bah - it was just a job another will just POP up any moment HA! (someone seriously help me, i'm laughing so hard i'm choking)
Gah! who needs a mate? not me!
solitary confinement sure pumps out poetry in extreme quantity, this i will confess
solitude is good i like quiet music movies writing reading wine
but pray tell, do you realize how many hours there are in one ******* day? when your purpose is torn from you? and you are left to wander the earth alone to find a new life mission or the least miserable substitute?
have you felt the gut-wrenching longing alone in bed in (utter silence) night after night after night? not for love past but for love new for lust for touch to not feel alone in the world
at times i feel like a person made of the thinnest glass with some nasty creature perched on my shoulder laughing horribly sharpest pin always touching me hammer always raised in the air ready to strike.
you're going to tell me everything is going to be fine, right?