Half asleep murmuring your name Imagined in the corners of my mind Something terribly romantic and Suddenly a thought comes to my head Dreamer called an artist buying a drink Somewhere ambiguous their head Softly hurting mind harshly hurtling Towards something unrecognisable They put words on a page like a virtuoso Never stopping word after word on Love and lust and random **** Hanging around in cafes with girls And talking to them about art and themselves And nothing much else because That’s their subject and them saying You should have more self love To the guy and him not listening He don’t care he don’t care. I was half asleep murmuring your name In the corners of my mind yesterday And I stared at the mirror thinking of you And repulsively I turned away because There wasn’t an artist and you Also were never there. Softly murmuring I turn away, I am lurking in a coffeeshop Alone, nothing terribly romantic No, I murmur french in a Spanish way Turn to you, and you look away.