hazard of counting time and words ~ stoops to foolhardy pacing wit-clogs hardly ever silent
1. how seconds fall flat on its innocent face; loss of hands - clock no help at all
as feelings croak in embrace of premature words; rig a string tight, not long after your first day
2. you didn’t know that where you were sent all in good faith put you plain on a danger-path ….. what sick traps awaited (and yet, *exculpa non-fini) for, how could you fathom that trusted hands and friendly eyes coaxed your trust, engaged in what they never should...
the only sane thing to do is to live by the second….the minute….the hour ….. no more
failing which, is scraping by on the leniency of second chances
S T, 22 aug - thur
talk about breaking the rules...! some people do get away with terrible things... 'cos bullies love silence. well, all things to come round...
Sun-entrance: sepia-stone
1. There be bright days And there be brighter days
This, I’s be tellin’ meself I keeps remindin’ me Ain’t …. no dark days here Only in forgotten mem’ry-boxes Long ago cast in sepia-stone (But one sudden dust-blow Can wickedly crumble that erudite-face And bring ALL that …wriggling back to ****** life)
2. sure ain’t no fool like an old one Oh, pore chil’ don’t get it none: Bendin’ all the rules don’t mean breakin’ ‘em!