there stood the queen in her dressing gown upon her face she wore a very long frown someone had stolen her diamond and ruby crown she hoped it would be found before sun down
she called Scotland Yard to search the entire realm's locale as without a crown she'd be an unadorned gal chief inspector Jones arrived at Buck House in his ex-army jeep telling the queen that he'd catch the theiving creep
he thoroughly combed every inch of England he even looked under the white Dover sand a lady in central Manchester gave him an address stating that a felon in Soho had the crown of queen Bess
high and low in the streets of Soho he did look to find this most stealthiest pilfering crook by a measure of luck he found him sitting on a park bench talking to a criminal associate named Roger Dench
the inspector siezed the felon and cuffed his hands saying that looting wouldn't be tolerated on British lands at Scotland Yard the crook was grilled for information about the queen's crown which was pinched without hestitaion
some three days later he fronted an Old Bailey judge who sentenced him to sixteen years of gaol drudge overjoyed was the queen to have her crown back whereupon she wore it around the Ascot Race track
chief inspector Jones was knighted by good queen Bess cause he'd been a fine detective of profess