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Aug 2013
There are so many dentists
that the market's getting tight.
One must differentiate
to draw trade to one's site.

Being new kid on the block
especially was scary
Until, in a flash of brilliance,
he called his:"The Tooth Fairy"

With gloves and masks
and dental dams
He served his clientele-
leaving their other cavities
to those who knew them well.

His clientele were handsome
and all exercised a bit.
Some were macho, some were fey
it mattered not a whit.

What mattered were the smiles he saved,
that gave him satisfaction,
and he earned a decent living.
from the fine are of extraction.

So if you, too, seek success
it pays to find your niche.
Serve the Sado- masochists
and make them all your b*tch.
intended strictly as humor. No offense is intended to LGBT readers
John F McCullagh
Written by
John F McCullagh  63/M/NY
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