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Sep 2021
Been there and been through turmoil and hell,
Buried things that should have exited long ago.
Wanted to protect someone who was too ill to help
His exit broke my spirit
My apologizes to my friends and loved ones who knew about my anger all the time
You never threw your hands up, Thanks
If you did, your loss.
Took a caring physician to open the door to a very dark world.
He did and made me work hard to change not just who I am but why I am.
Even those who love you can't listen the way you need them too.
So a professional with a trained ear was suggested and the talk worked
People who are Extra sensitive usually find a way in this world and we still get stuck
Asking for help just isn't something we do
We want to help others but there comes a time when you have to ask
The denim blue stormy days still come but they are far and few between
You let go of those who hurt you
You surround yourself with the very best of people
If you have been bullied than you know what I mean
There are some here that qualify as the best and lucky to call some here friends
Here it goes
Get what you need
Ask for help even if you are not confident enough to do so
Realize that something needs to change and you start the change
Seek it and don't leave us because you don't think there is a way out
You have to go in and find a guide to help you
Here it goes and I hope you find it
It is more than fine to be a work in progress
Your life is not work find a way to enjoy it
It is so much more than making lemonade from lemons

You don't have to go it alone
Written by
Maddy  F/East Coast
(F/East Coast)   
         Maddy, N, Safana, Thomas W Case, Carlo C Gomez and 2 others
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