watch america self destruct the movie part 2 (only available in txt version}
the players - you choose but you still won't know(god's cut only)
as Jesus -
Jesus - 2/1 White Jesus 1/1 Weird looking Jesus 100/1 Robin Williams 2/1 ****** - 2/1 Bigfoot - 2/1 Trump - 2/1 Biden - 2/1 Henry Winkler - 2/1 any billionaire - void
as the false prophet
Jesus - 2/1 White Jesus 1/1 Weird looking Jesus 100/1 Robin Williams 2/1 ****** - 2/1 Bigfoot - 2/1 Trump - 2/1 Biden - 2/1 Henry Winkler - 2/1 any evangelic - 1/100 dollar bill - 2/1 any billionaire 1/100 as God
Dave Chappelle - 1/50 Jesus - 2/1 White Jesus 1/1 Weird looking Jesus 100/1 Robin Williams 2/1 ****** - 2/1 Bigfoot - 2/1 Trump - 2/1 Biden - 2/1 Henry Winkler - 2/1 any billionaire - void
as Beast(s)
all cryptids flying monkeys lizard people android devices apple devices